Archive for June 24th, 2011

“Boots” and Another New Wardrobe

June 24, 2011

“BOOTS” Paper Doll Cutouts!

Well, what do you think of Boots in one of the gowns from her new wardrobe? Pretty swell, huh? And that’s only the beginning! There are ten costumes in all in Boots’ new wardrobe and you’re going to get every one of them in the form of paper doll cutouts! You can try Boots’ gowns on the young lady, yourself! Watch for them.

The First One Appears Monday in

The Ironwood Daily Globe


Ironwood Daily Globe – Feb 23, 1935

If you had a brother, and he was a swell, generous guy, and he bought you a complete new wardrobe — well, you’d hug him, too! And that’s why “Boots,” popular star character of the comic strip, “Boots and Her Buddies,” is giving Brother Billy the old bear hug.

Billy took “Boots” shopping! That was a surprise for her. Now, here’s a surprise for YOU! “Boots’ ” complete new wardrobe is coming too you in the form of paper doll cut-outs. You can help her try on her new gowns.

Watch for a sketch of “Boots,” and her first costume. It will appear in this paper Monday.

Ironwood Daily Globe – Feb 22 , 1935


You Can Dress “Boots” In New Wardrobe

Here she is! “Boots,” the famous star of the comic strip, “Boots and Her Buddies,” with one of the dresses from her new wardrobe. Get out your scissors and colored crayons, and see how attractive you can make “Boots” in this dinner gown. Then save “Boots” and the gown, for you are going to get the complete wardrobe. What a fine paper doll set you’ll have. Two more dresses will appear tomorrow.

Ironwood Daily Globe – Feb 25, 1935

“Boots” Can Shop, Play Bridge in These

More gay costumes for “Boots” and more fun for all the kids who are cutting out and coloring the “Boots” paper dolls. You’ve seen “Boots” out shopping, and you’ve seen her at home, playing bridge, in the comic strip, “Boots and Her Buddies.” Now you can pick out the colors you like best for her morning and afternoon dresses. “Boots” riding habit and evening gown will appear tomorrow.

Ironwood Daily Globe – Feb 26, 1935

Habit and Formal in “Boots” Wardrobe

WHOA! Or giddyap! Anyway, “Boots” is all  set to enjoy a ride along the bridle path, in her new riding outfit. And this evening, she has a perfectly spiffy date, and a beautiful new gown for the occasion. Cut out and color these costumes. Then try them on your “Boots” paper doll. No wonder the star of the comic strip, “Boots and Her Buddies,” is so tickled over her new wardrobe. Tomorrow another sketch of “Boots’ and one of her gowns will appear.

Ironwood Daily Globe – Feb 27, 1935

Here’s “Boots” With Lovely Night Robe

HERE is “Boots” again, with another costume from her new wardrobe. ‘Tis well that the wardrobe included this beautiful night robe. When “Boots” gets tired, from trying on her other garments, she can slip into this and get a good rest. Do you think green or pink will look best on the star character of the comic strip, “Boots and Her Buddies”? Color the garment to suit yourself. Two more costumes will appear tomorrow.

Ironwood Daily Globe – Feb 28, 1935

“Boots” Has Pretty Outfits for Street and Air

WHEN “Boots” hopped into her plane, to try out her new aviation costume, she said it actually made flying easier. Oooo — that’s stretching a point …..but that’s just how crazy she is about the aviation suit. And she’s also quite proud of the street costume, with the spreading checkered tie. Both garments are from her new wardrobe. Cut them out, color them and try them on your “Boots” paper doll. More costumes tomorrow.

Ironwood Daily Globe – Mar 1, 1935

“Boots All Prepared For Afternoon, Night

Of course “Boots” loves her whole new wardrobe, but, really, she’s a bit partial to the new gowns that appear today … one for the ultra, ultra formal evening affairs, and the other for her more important afternoon engagements, in the comic strip, “Boots and Her Buddies.” Cut out and color the gowns and try them on your “Boots” paper doll. And now, if you’ve saved all the “Boots” cut-outs, you have her complete new wardrobe!

Ironwood Daily Globe – Mar 2, 1935





Boots and Her BuddiesThe Blockade – Ironwood Daily Globe – Feb 2, 1935


Boots and Her Buddies — Of All People


Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) Aug 19, 1933