Insane Mother Cuts Throats of Her Children


Insane Mother Seeks to Burn Home to Cover Evidence of Awful Crime.

Cedar Rapids, Ia., March 31. — Suddenly becoming insane after a long illness, Mrs. John Lynch cut the throat of her five weeks old baby and her 3-year-old son this afternoon. Failing to catch the three elder children she then set fire to the house and cut her own throat.

The farm house is five miles from this city, and was burned to the ground. Later the three bodies were found in the ruins. The husband was in the city at the time of the tragedy.

The two oldest children, who escaped, state that they tried to prevent their mother from setting the house on fire, but that she beat them over the heads and shoulders with a stove poker until they were compelled to jump out of the window, and flee for their lives.

A third child had his throat cut, but is still living. It was rescued from the kitchen by a neighbor who saw the smoke.

The Carroll Herald – Apr. 7, 1909

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