Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Dute’

Three Men and a Cow

June 23, 2010


Three Farmers Have a Thrilling Experience With an Angry Cow.

Messrs. Daniel Dute and Basil Cameron, of near Energy, had a narrow escape last Saturday from being gored to death by a vicious cow. As they were going through Jas. Henderson’s big meadow they saw a cow lying down. Thinking that something was ailing her they approached her. to their surprise she sprang to her feet and gave them a chase of their lives. When they were nearly overcome with fatigue and fright they managed to get behind a large tree.

In the meantime Henderson’s hired hand arrived to assist them. He attempted to drive away the furious beast but was also given chase. His shrieks and yells for help frightened the cow and she gave a hasty retreat.

Mr. Dute, in relating the story, said that he never had such a frightful experience in his life.

New Castle News (New Castle, Pennsylvania) Aug 29, 1894