Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

The Voice That Carries

November 30, 2012



He says to me, “You seldom see
A speaker such as he was;
He had a voice that seemed to be
As big as two or three was.
He pulled his hair and waved his arms
And gave the rich Old Harry,
You talk about your fire alarms —
Gosh, how his voice could carry!

“Election Day, hip,hip, hooray,
Our hero was elected —
But matters didn’t end the way,
The way that we expected.
In Washington our native son
Got just one day to blather,
And that is all he ever done,
As far as we can gather.

“He got the floor just once, no more,
And then they sat upon him,
Just once he got a chance to roar,
And that was all, doggone him.
His voice, I know, would yell and crow
And give the rich Old Harry,
But that ain’t what’s important, though —
It’s what it’s got to carry.”

Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) Nov 8, 1938

After Four Years….Think Twice, Brother

October 10, 2012

Voter – Depression Grouch

Morning Herald (Uniontown, Pennsylvania) Oct 5, 1932

One More Mountain To Climb

September 7, 2012

Republican Convention – Democratic Convention


Campaign Pass

Whew! – Boy-Oh-Boy!

November Elections

Fitchburg Sentinel (Fitchburg, Massachusetts) Jul 8, 1932

Empty Chair Day

September 3, 2012

Karl Marx and the Empty Chair

Image from iOwnTheWorld

Just a Little Around the Edges, Please!

July 30, 2012

The President’s Budget

Where to Start

Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, Illinois) Jan 17, 1948

What This Country Needs

July 26, 2012

What This Country Needs

St. Paul Crescent

What this country needs in not a new birth of freedom but the old fashioned two-dollar lower berth.

What this country needs isn’t more liberty but less people who take liberties with our liberty.

What this country needs is not a job for every man but a real man for every job.

What this country needs isn’t to get more taxes from the people but for the people to get more from the taxes.

What this country needs is not more miles of territory but more miles to the gallon.

What this country needs is more tractors and less detractors.

What this country needs isn’t more young men making speed but more young men planting spuds.

What this country needs is more paint on the old place and less paint of the young face.

What this country needs isn’t a lower rate of interest on money but a higher interest in work.

What this country needs is to follow the footsteps of the fathers instead of the dancing master.

The Daily Courier (Connellsville, Pennsylvania) Jul 26, 1922

Gridiron Club Pokes Fun at the “New Deal”

July 21, 2012


WASHINGTON, April 14 — (AP) — The sharp but genial satire of the Gridiron club was turned tonight — at its annual spring dinner — upon the first year of the Roosevelt administration with this theme:

“In the new deal, everything is wild.”

President Roosevelt was among the many officials, diplomats and celebrities who laughed as the gridironers deftly caricatured personage after personage and parodied event after event.

There was one skit in which a “supreme quarterback” was portrayed as directing the maneuvers of a group of penguins. This must have reminded the chief executive that he once compared his efforts to bring recovery to the strategy of a football team’s field marshal.

Pres. Roosevelt spoke. But in its 50 years of existence the Gridiron club — composed of newspapermen — has made it a law that the words of a President at its gatherings are not reported.

Senator David A. Reed, Pennsylvania republican, who was presented as the hoary skipper of the old frigate, Constitution, also spoke.

Among the playlets was a revival sketch with secretary Frances Perkins presented as “Sister Perkins.” In it the man portraying Hugh S. Johnson told how she got “the new deal religion.”

Johnson, after joining lustily in singing “You Must be a Lover of the Codes” to the tune of “You Must be a Lover of the Lord,” called upon all to join Sister Perkins or have “the old devil crack down upon you.”

“Come up to the mourners’ bench you chiselers,” he shouted lustily. “Take your choice, you tories and witch doctors. Get the new deal religion, or get hell.”

The salvation laddies and lassies who accompanied “Sister Perkins” and the evangelist marched off singing about their love for NRA.

A pirate took the center of the stage before Senator Reed’s appearance to roar with buccaneer glee about the wreck of the good ship — “Constitution.”

Shortly afterwards the stage shook to a mighty storm. The scene that followed was Noah’s ark modernized with Noah as Everett Sanders, chairman of the Republican national committee.

He entered with Ogden Mills, one-time secretary of the treasury, who was still hopeful despite the deluge.

“Perhaps,” Mills said, “on this stout craft we’ll be able to keep afloat until this socialistic flood subsides.”

The passengers, carefully selected for “sound, conservative principles,” included Representative Hamilton Fish of New York, William Randolph Hearst, Emma Goldman and J.P. Morgan, and his little “friend, the midget.”

The voyage was a rough one but finally the clouds began to clear and Sanders hummed while Mount Ararat neared: “Franklin ain’t gonna reign no more.”

Andrew W. Mellon and John D. Rockefeller were shown as janitors for NRA; the directors of the United States Steel Corp. as members of the “workers council.”

John D., and Andrew decided that the redistribution of wealth had its advantages after all.

“Why, Andy, I feel like a boy out of school,” purred John D.

“What a relief it is,” agreed Mellon, “No directors’ meetings, no investments, no taxes, no responsibility.”

“Well, Andy, when did you first recognize your talent for janitor service?”

“To tell you the truth, John D., it was very early in the Hoover administration.”

The conversation ended abruptly with the appearance of “William Green, John Lewis, Eddie McGrady and all the rest of our new rulers.”

Along with the steel directors, they were members of the “council,” Myron C. Taylor, chairman of the Steel corporation’s board, was seen with overalls and grimy face. He said somewhat shamefacedly that he had been sifting ashes looking for “profits.”

He was firmly told that “profits are out” an in disgrace was ordered turned over to the workers’ country club.

Lima News (Lima, Ohio) Apr 15, 1934

Surely, We Must Be Dreaming

June 26, 2012

Tucson Daily Citizen (Tucson, Arizona) Jul 9, 1957

It’s more of a nightmare, really.

Impeach Him Now

June 20, 2012

Image from DRUDGE REPORT- The Executive Privilege





















By Arthur Guiterman

If Wall Street grabbed your final cent,
That’s right, impeach the President.
If Europe seethes with discontent,
Denounce the cause — our President.
If China lacks a government,
Reprove our laggard President.
If industry seems hellward bent,
One can’t forgive the President.
You don’t see where your money went?
Investigate the President.
If all you had is rashly spent,
You’d best accuse the President.
If malefactors won’t repent,
Inveigh against the President.
If all the world is indigent,
Who made it so? Our President’
For droughts and wars are consequent
On blunders by the President.
So give your feelings proper vent
By growling at the President.
IT helps us all and pays the rent
To sit and blame the President.

Bessemer Herald (Bessemer, Michigan) Jun 17, 1932


An Irishman’s View of the Bond Question

June 13, 2012

An Irishman’s View of the Bond Question.

The Decatur Gazette reports the following conversation that occurred between a prominent Democrat and an Irishman of that city, recently. For convenience it designates the parties as Jack and Pat:

Jack — How do you like the Democratic platform?

Pat — I can’t understand it; would ye be after explaining it to me — all about the bond question?

Jack — Oh, yes, with pleasure. You see the rich men own all the bonds; and the poor men pay for the bonds.

Pat — The devil, ye say; Is that the way?

Jack — Yes, and now the Democratic party propose to pay off the debt in greenbacks, and thus everybody will be treated equally.

Pat — Is that in our platform?

Jack — Not in so many words — but that is what it means; and now Pat I want you to do all you can for the party — bring the boys to all the meetings, and —

Pat — Hould on, Jack; will yer payin the bonds off greenbacks make the poor man as rich as the bondholder?

Jack — Not exactly; there is not gold enough for the country.

Pat — Thin we are not to have gold at all. How in the divil are ye going to pay off the greenbacks?

Jack — A part of it will be paid off by taxation, the money we take from the people for revenue, and stamps, etc., and as the greenbacks get worn by constant handling we will print new ones.

Pat — I see; you propose to take the debt now carried by the rich bondholder and divide it among these people, rich and poor alike, by forcing the bondholder to spend his money for property.

Jack — Exactly — you are learning fast, and you see —

Pat — Hould on — an idee strikes me. If the government debt is all in greenbacks, and thim in circulation, how many cords of ’em will it take to buy a cord of wood?

Jack — I cannot exactly say what they would be worth — that will regulate itself. But, by the by, Pat, could you pay me that little note you owe me? It was due yesterday, and I need the money very much.

Pat — Yes, I know the note is due, and I’ll pay ye according to the Dimmecratic platform

Jack — What do you mean?

Pat — I mane I’ll give you a fresh note for the one ye have.

Jack — There’s nothing about giving fresh notes in the Democratic platform.

Pat — Yis, ye said we’d pay the bonds oll in greenbacks, and both of them are promises to pay of the same govenment. Ye’s give one promise to pay for another one, and I’ll give you a fresh promise to pay for the one you have now. The note you have now says 1- per cent. interest; the new one will say without interest, and no time set for its payment.

Jack — But this is an individual matter and the other is a government matter. You honestly owe me, and promised to pay me yesterday. Your proposition is to cheat me out of my money.

Pat — An’ its chatin’ ye out of your money is it? An’ havn’t I as good a right to chate you as the government has to chate the widders and orphans whose money is all in government bonds? I’ll pay ye on the Dimmecratic platform!

The Hillsdale Standard (Hillsdale, Michigan) Sep 1, 1868