Archive for June 17th, 2010

One Burglar with Vested Pumps; One Weltering in Blood

June 17, 2010

Maryland State Penitentiary (Image from

A desperate burglar killed.

A notorious burglar, named Jesse Sutton, recently released from the penitentiary at Baltimore, met with his death on Friday night last in the following manner: On the night above named, Mr. William Power, of the firm of Power & Son, residing in Franklin street, near Pearl street, returned to his home, in company with a Mr. Zollinger, between ten and eleven o’clock.

Shortly afterwards, Mr. P proceeded to the hydrant in the yard, to get a drink, and, whilst in the act, thought he saw something run into an out-house. He immediately returned to the kitchen, seized a small piece of split wood, and walked towards the out-house, at the same time calling upon his cousin (Mr. Zollinger) to follow him with light. On reaching the place, he attempted to enter; but was resisted from within; finally, he succeeded in his attempt to open the door, when he was dragged in by the coat and the door closed.

At this critical juncture, and before his antagonist could fasten on him, Mr. P raised the stick of wood which he still held in his hand, and struck the villian on the head.

Clinging to one another, they reeled out of the place, the door of which had opened during the scuffle inside. Mr. Power then repeated the blow, when Sutton cried “partners! partners!” and staggered off.

By this time Mr. Zollinger had arrived with a light; and Sutton, on being interrogated to that effect, replied that he had three partners who were close by. Two or three watchmen, drawn thither by the alarm given by Mr. Zollinger, having arrived on the spot, Mr. Power went after a physician, and returned with Dr. Perkins, who dressed the wounded man’s head. He was then taken to the western district watch-house on a litter, where he died on Saturday morning, his skull being severely fractured.

Sutton is 41 years of age, has been in the penitentiary of the State four times, and was only discharged the last time on the 4th of April last.

When first discovered, he was in his stocking feet, and had his pumps beneath his vest.

On his arrival at the watch-house, he was searched; and a bunch of skeleton keys, a screw-driver, a box of friction matches, strips of pine wood, and a silver plated key, supposed to be one of those recently stolen from the house of Miss Rachel Colvin, were found on his person.

Image from Wikimedia

Another burglar killed.

It is a somewhat strange coincidence that a burglar, while plundering the store of Messrs. Sellers & Davis, Third street, Philadelphia, was killed on the same night and about the same hour, that Sutton the burglar was killed in the attempt a house in this city.

He had got into the store; some noise was heard in an adjoining house, when, being frightened, he and his companions, made their escape by way of the trap door.

Being in rather a hurry, it is presumed, he missed his hold, and fell from the house-top to the ground. When found, he was weltering in blood, and in the last struggles of death.

On his arm were the letters P.L., supposed to be the initials of his name.

Thus perished another in the very act of crime.

[Balt. Amer.

The Experiment (Norwalk, Ohio) Jun 22, 1842