Posts Tagged ‘Jordan’

Jordan-Beasley Feud

October 4, 2010

A reader requested information on the Jordan-Beasley feud. This is all I could find, unfortunately, nothing informative regarding the “old grudge.” These articles just report on the current incident. Most of these reports state that Darwood/Derwood Jordan was badly cut up and “cannot live,” but I didn’t run across any  that actually state that he did, indeed, succumb.


HARRODSBURG, Ky., Sept. 14. — For fifteen years bad blood has existed between the Beasleys and Jordans, and during that time one Jordan and one of the Beasleys have fallen victims of the feud. To-day Darwood Jordan took watermelons to Salvisa to sell. Owen Beasley passed by and tried to renew the old grudge, but Jordan wanted no difficulty. Beasley got his brother and his father, who renewed the quarrel against the protestations of Jordan, who,against the unequal odds, defended himself as best he could with his knife, and in some way managed to get hold of a hatchet, and with this he was cutting right and left. But the odds were too much for him, and he fell from loss of blood, the Beasleys having literally cut him to pieces. Jordan cannot live. The Beasleys are yet at large.

The New York Times – Sep 15, 1891



HARRODSBURG, Ky., Sept. 15. — The Beasley-Jordan feud, which has existed in Mercer County for fifteen years, ans which again broke out yesterday in the unprovoked assault and fatal wounding of Derwood Jordan by the Beasleys, is assuming proportions that may in all probability result in more bloodshed.

Constable Granville Currens this afternoon arrested the three Beasleys, John, Owen, and Bill, when other brothers and relatives, five in number, with shotguns and pistols leveled and cocked on the constable, took his prisoners from him. The Jordan family, six or seven in number, have also armed themselves and have declared that they will be revenged or the law shall be enforced for the cowardly assassination of their brother yesterday. Jailer Wagner and posse have gone to the scene of action. If they get in sight of the Beasleys there will become arrests or funerals will take place.

Derwood Jordan, the man who was fatally cut by the Beasleys yesterday, is still alive, but cannot live. Pieces of flesh as large as a man’s hand were cut from his side and arm, and the knife thrusts entered the hollow of his abdomen in six or seven places. Old Mr. Beasley and one of the boys held him while the others cut him.

Up to 10 o’clock to-night the Beasleys had not been arrested, and six of them, heavily armed, are still defying the law, although they have thus far successfully kept out of the way of the Sheriff’s posse, which is after them and which expects to capture them dead or alive before to-morrow night.

The New York Times – Sep 16, 1891

Beasley-Jordan Feud - Newark Daily Advocate


An Old Feud Assuming New Proportions in Kentucky.

HARRODSBURG, Ky., Sept. 15. — The Beasley-Jordan feud at Salvisa is assuming proportions that may in all probability result in more bloodshed today.
Constable Currans succeeded yesterday afternoon in arresting the three Beasleys, when the other brothers and relatives took his prisoners from him.

The Jordan family, six or seven in number, have also armed themselves and have declared they will be revenged or the law will be enforced for the bloody and cowardly assassination of their brother yesterday. The Sheriff has asked for troops and the governor replied he has the right to summon the whole county.

Arizona Republican (Phoenix, Arizona) Sep 16, 1891

Beasley-Jordan Feud - St. Paul Daily Globe



Jordan-Beasley Feud - Salt Lake Herald

An Old Feud Ended.

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Sept. 25. — The Jordan-Beasley feud, near Harrodsburg, which a year ago caused the sheriff to ask for troops, has been settled for the present by the surrender of three — Owen, William and John Beasley, who were implicated only as accessories to the murder of Jordan, and who escaped to Kansas.

Daily Mitchell Republican (Mitchell, South Dakota) Sep 29, 1891