Archive for June 2nd, 2010

More Poetry in Advertising

June 2, 2010




When neatly dressed are we.
It’s fair in evening’s pleasant shade
On the Rue Montgomery;
And fine it is at the opera
Midst the glistening jewelry,
But rare, fairer, finer far
Is my Bonnet’s style to me.

Some may be trimmed with flowers fair,
And feathers flowing free,
And very like the foreign ware
That comes far o’er the sea;
But our MRS. SHEAR, one thirty-two,
Has the Bonnets neat, and tasty too,
And the Styles that pleases me.

The Golden Era – Jun 22, 1862

It was a proud and fickle maid
A young man sought to win,
But the coat he wore was shabby
And he couldn’t quite come in.
She answered “no” that cruel word
Had pierced him to the core,
You see he had never heard
Of “Talbot’s Clothing Store.”

Far out in Chalmsford Center
He wandered all alone,
And I could see that reason
Feebly toitered on its throne.
Says he, “I wish that I were dead;
My hopes and joys are o’er.”
My friend just come with me, I said,
To “Talbot’s Clothing Store.”

Then to that great Emporium
All hopefully we went.
I sought a clerk and told him
Of my friend’s predicament,
Says he, “There is a remedy,
And we have it just the thing,
See, here, it is, this ulster,
We call it the “Frieze King.”

Then proud as any monarch
In regal robes arrayed,
He donned that “Frieze King” ulster
and once more sought this maid.
She asked him to forgive her
When she saw the coat he wore,
And her tears bedewed that ulster
From “Talbot’s Clothing Store.”

He called on me the other day,
With such a smiling face,
You hardly would have known him
Such a change had taken place.
Said he, “Old man you saved my life;”
A bachelor no more,
I got an ulster and a wife,
From “Talbot’s Clothing Store.”

Lowell Daily Sun (Lowell, Massachusetts) Dec 14, 1893


Long years have I wandered unfettered and free,
And bitten the young and the old,
And laid in the couch of the rich and poor,
And frightened the warrior bold.
But power is waning fast from me —
A Powder Magnetic and strong,
Invented by LYON, is death to our tribe,
And away I must travel ere long.

Lyon’s Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill all house insects, garden worms, plant-bugs, &c. Lyon’s Magnetic Pills are sure death to rats and mice. Sold everywhere.

D.S. BARNES, New York.
REDINGTON & CO., Agents,
416 and 418 Front street, San Francisco.

The Golden Era (San Francisco, California) Oct 12, 1862


‘Twas a night in the dog days,
And all through the house
Night prowlers were stirring —
Fleas, bed-bugs and mouse.
The children, uneasy,
Squirmed this way and that —
The bed-bugs preferred them
Because they were fat.
But at dawn on each insect
Lyon’s death powder fell;
And the rats and the mice, too,
Succumbed to his Pill.

Lyon’s Powder will kill all insects. Lyon’s Magnetic Pills are sure death to rats and mice. Sold everywhere.

D.S. BARNES, New York.
REDINGTON & Co., Agents,
416 and 418 Front street, San Francisco

The Golden Era (San Francisco, California) Dec 14, 1862




The rats that eat up all our goods;
The rats that hate the coming floods;
The rats that terra firma seek,
From flooded sewer and flooded creek
The rats — like all unearthly Gnomes —
Are now invading all our homes.
These rats must in the dust be laid,
Their debt of nature must be paid.
Oh! WILSON, thou alone can kill
The rats by thousands, at your will.

Wilson’s Rat and Roach Destroyer.

Here we have antidots. Dr. Wilson has been eminently successful in making his Destroyer so certain, so palatable too, to rats, that it kills them off at once. Thus, instead of scratching, boring holes, attacking pantries, and so on, “an awful stillness reigns around,” much to the satisfaction and gratification of the household generally, but especially to the housekeepers. Remember, when you are besieged by rats, to ask for

Use it, and your premises are clear,

For sale in New Orleans, wholesale and retail, by
21 Chartres street.
Sole Proprietor.

The Daily True Delta – Jan 4, 1862

If you want good groceries, go
To V.M. Metcalfe’s grocery store,
When there your wants just mention
And you’ll receive the best attention.

Sugar and Coffee, Tea and Spice
All prime articles, pure and nice.
Soap and candles, Bacon and flour
Molasses, Sweet — Vinegar Sour.

Rolls of butter, yellow and sweet,
Firkins of Lard, white and neat.
Pickles, potatoes, crackers and cheese
All nice as ever one sees.

“Silver Glass” Starch, and indigo blue
To make your clothes look quite new.
Put up in cans, all kinds of fruit —
You have your choice, take what suits.

Washboards, tubs, brushes and brooms,
A very large lot, kept at our rooms,
Citron and raisins, from over the Sea
And currants fine — from the Isle of Zante.

Coils of rope, and balls of twine,
Premium Blacking to make your boots shine,
Families supplied with all they need,
And farmers furnished with all their Seed.

And if your purchases are of heavy weight
To your homes, he’ll send them straight;
And if you come once, we are not afraid
But you will come again and give us your trade.

Kentucky New Era – Apr 9, 1875


Poetry in Advertising (previous post HERE)